Question: please tell me where Selling Spirituality: The Silent Takeover of Religion by Jeremy Carrette purchase book windows store epub

Question: please tell me where Selling Spirituality: The Silent Takeover of Religion by Jeremy Carrette purchase book windows store epub

Question: please tell me where Selling Spirituality: The Silent Takeover of Religion by Jeremy Carrette purchase book windows store

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Book description
From Feng Shui to holistic medicine, from aromatherapy candles to yoga weekends, spirituality is big business. It promises to soothe away the angst of modern living and to offer an antidote to shallow materialism.Selling Spirituality is a short, sharp, attack on this fallacy. It shows how spirituality has in fact become a powerful commodity in the global marketplace - a cultural addiction that reflects orthodox politics, curbs self-expression and colonizes Eastern beliefs.Exposing how spirituality has today come to embody the privatization of religion in the modern West, Jeremy Carrette and Richard King reveal the people and brands who profit from this corporate hijack, and explore how spirituality can be reclaimed as a means of resistance to capitalism and its deceptions.
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