Question: please tell me where Routes: Travel and Translation in the Late Twentieth Century by James Clifford ios access how download information online

Question: please tell me where Routes: Travel and Translation in the Late Twentieth Century by James Clifford ios access how download information online

Question: please tell me where Routes: Travel and Translation in the Late Twentieth Century by James Clifford ios access how download

> READ BOOK > Routes: Travel and Translation in the Late Twentieth Century

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Book description

Book description
In this collage of essays, meditations, poems, and travel reports, Clifford takes travel and its difficult companion, translation, as openings into a complex modernity. He contemplates a world ever more connected yet not homogeneous, a global history proceeding from the fraught legacies of exploration, colonization, capitalist expansion, immigration, labor mobility, and tourism. Ranging from Highland New Guinea to northern California, from Vancouver to London, he probes current approaches to the interpretation and display of non-Western arts and cultures. Wherever people and things cross paths and where institutional forces work to discipline unruly encounters, Cliffords concern is with struggles to displace stereotypes, to recognize divergent histories, to sustain postcolonial and tribal identities in contexts of domination and globalization. Travel, diaspora, border crossing, self-location, the making of homes away from home: these are transcultural predicaments for the late twentieth century. The map that might account for them, the history of an entangled modernity, emerges here as an unfinished series of paths and negotiations, leading in many directions while returning again and again to the struggles and arts of cultural encounter, the impossible, inescapable tasks of translation.
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