Question: please tell me where Red Light Specialists by Mandy M. Roth (Goodreads Author) read mobi on iphone

Question: please tell me where Red Light Specialists by Mandy M. Roth (Goodreads Author) read mobi on iphone

Question: please tell me where Red Light Specialists by Mandy M. Roth (Goodreads Author) read mobi on iphone

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Book description
Three sexy secret agents. Three even sexier missions…Bianca, Sonja and Trinity were given a choice—become RLS-69 special agents or continue to serve out their prison sentences at the Restigatio Woman’s Correctional Facility. Trained to complete their mission by any means necessary, these women aren’t afraid to pull out all the stops. With their freedom on the line, they’ll do whatever it takes to get the job done. From combat to seduction, their targets won’t know what hit them until it’s too late. There’s only one problem…their handsome targets have a few secret weapons of their own.
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