Question: please tell me where Raw Emotions by Angela Stokes book eReader pdf story spanish

Question: please tell me where Raw Emotions by Angela Stokes book eReader pdf story spanish

Question: please tell me where Raw Emotions by Angela Stokes book eReader pdf story spanish

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Book description
Are you a comfort eater?Do you feel at ease with your body and your relationship with food, or are there things youd REALLY LIKE TO CHANGE?Perhaps youre new to eating raw food and struggling with cravings...?Or maybe youve been eating raw for a while and find the emotional detox bumpy...?Do you LONG to feel balanced, healthy, happy and peaceful?Whatever your current relationship with food looks like, RAW EMOTIONS, has something to offer you.Youll learn ways to:# understand YOUR emotional connections with food# release patterns that no longer serve you# examine your history with eating AND create your optimal vision for yourself# re-connect authentically with your emotions# address cravings and let go of overeating# choose inspiring activities and resources to keep on track# find balance in your food choices and lifestyle# feel more connected, loving and joyfulMost diets just focus on physical weight loss. Raw Emotions goes beyond the physical, to examine the emotional and spiritual factors that contribute to our eating patterns...and gives you PRACTICAL, solid insights into how to create WONDERFUL and LASTING CHANGE :)Combining proven self-help techniques with a raw food lifestyle, this truly unique book includes a ‘Treasure Chest’ of 60 invaluable tools and action tips for engaging YOUR transformation.ANGELA STOKES, author of RAW EMOTIONS is renowned for her remarkable PHYSICAL transformation - a 160lb weight loss with a raw food lifestyle.This book is inspired by something people have found even MORE REMARKABLE than her physical changes: the emotional and spiritual shifts in Angelas life.In this new book, Angela shares the major tips and tools that helped her experience this dramatic shift from a lonely, moody, angry and defensive overeater to a life of genuine JOY, VIBRANCY, LOVE and BALANCE.
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