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Question: please tell me where Raoul Wallenberg: The Biography by Ingrid Carlberg no registration prewiew reading read format

Question: please tell me where Raoul Wallenberg: The Biography by Ingrid Carlberg no registration prewiew reading read format

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Wow! Just Wow!! I hardly know how to describe how rich and powerful this book is. Yes, it is a 640 page biography of a Holocaust hero and is written in such a way that it is also a mystery and thriller too. Raoul Wallenberg was a Swedish businessman from a rich banking and business family who had to make it on his own. His dad died months before he was born and his grandfather guided his very unusual training in life and these lessons actually helped him when he agreed to help an American/Swedish effort to help save the Jews in Hungary. Most died but due to his efforts and those of his co-workers, 100,000- were saved!!!! Raoul was made a Swedish diplomat and money was sent from Sweden and the USA to aid his work. I was riveted by the scary events they faced and how at one point, Raouls life was in danger. The book thoroughly follows his life and then the events in Hungary. He thought the Soviets would help but instead he was imprisoned and accused of being a Nazi spy. The over 40 year search for what happened to him is detailed. I highly recommend this book to those interested in the Holocaust, true heroes. those interested in WWII and most of all to those with hearts of gold who really care. This is a stunning book.
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