Question: please tell me where Pursued by Cari Z. (Goodreads Author) ipad purchase pocket ebook book

Question: please tell me where Pursued by Cari Z. (Goodreads Author) ipad purchase pocket ebook book

Question: please tell me where Pursued by Cari Z. (Goodreads Author) ipad purchase pocket ebook book

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Book description

Book description
What began as a chance encounter in a museum for Daniel Hart and Rhys Daveth blossomed, sometimes painfully, into a romance that spanned continents, endured secrets and defied danger. The pair of men couldnt be more different; one a scholar, dedicated to preserving the past, and the other a shape-shifting thief bent on stealing history for his own gain. Their road together was never easy, but in the end love proved too strong for their warring inclinations to conquer. This is their story.This collection contains the novellas, Treasured, Shadowed, Reclaimed
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