Question: please tell me where Pumpkin: a Cindermama Story by Ines Johnson (Goodreads Author) read without signing audio fb2 online

Question: please tell me where Pumpkin: a Cindermama Story by Ines Johnson (Goodreads Author) read without signing audio fb2 online

Question: please tell me where Pumpkin: a Cindermama Story by Ines Johnson (Goodreads Author) read without signing audio fb2 online

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Book description
Single mother Malika “Pumpkin” Tavares lost faith in fairytales after she fell for a toad. Now she believes she’s not cut from the storybook, heroine cloth and searches for Mr. Good Enough amongst the sidekicks and supporting men of the town.Love at first sight isn’t a cliche for town royalty Armand “Manny” Charmayne. For generations the Charmaynes have spotted their soulmates by seeing a golden aura the first time they laid eyes on The One.When Manny meets Pumpkin he sees…nothing, but sparks fly off the richter scale. The more he gets to know her the more he considers defying fate, if only he can convince her to take a chance on love again.
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