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Book description
When youre a twenty-year-old triple platinum singer you get an image. Except mine was all wrong. On drugs; pregnant; fucking my manager… they were the kind of lies Id wake up to every day. But they didn’t know me. Nobody does. People see what they want to see, and think what they want to think. I was a good girl. I played by the rules, kept to myself and it got me nowhere. I spent the last year in love with a guy who I was paying to fuck me. A guy who fell in love with someone else. One minute he was my life and then he wasn’t. I’ve experienced it all my life. People around until they got what they wanted. Being left on my own at age fifteen was the best thing that happened to me. Until I met Ivan. Trust nobody but yourself, because everyone hurts you in the end. That’s the lesson I’ve learned. I’m done caring, and Ill do whatever is necessary to get through this. No matter what the cost. Because at the end of the day, I am in this alone.
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