Question: please tell me where Pleasing Michael by Stormy Glenn (Goodreads Author) flibusta italian online original selling

Question: please tell me where Pleasing Michael by Stormy Glenn (Goodreads Author) flibusta italian online original selling

Question: please tell me where Pleasing Michael by Stormy Glenn (Goodreads Author) flibusta italian online original selling

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Book description
Jackson Davis is considered a gay man’s wet dream but he’s tired of finding lovers that only seemed to want him for his looks and not a real relationship.One night at a bar, Jack discovers a man watching him. The man never approaches him, never speaks to him. When Jack finally confronts the man, he is astounded by his reaction.The man is in no way intimidated by Jack’s size, even though his several inches shorter than Jack and a good amount lighter. Still, the man has a commanding presence that has Jack running to the men’s room to jack off the minute the man leaves.Thus begins Jack’s obsession with pleasing Michael. What follows is a story of frustration and confusion for Jack as Michael commands and dictates to Jack, rewarding Jack when he’s good and punishing him when hes bad.Jack is confused that he lets Michael dominate him, wondering if it makes him less of a man. Can Jack accept the fact that pleasing Michael makes him happy or will he lose the best thing that ever happened to him?Erotic, Contemporary, Light BDSM, D/s, M/M Romance
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