Question: please tell me where Ophelia and the Marvelous Boy by Karen Foxlee portable book epub itunes amazon

Question: please tell me where Ophelia and the Marvelous Boy by Karen Foxlee portable book epub itunes amazon

Question: please tell me where Ophelia and the Marvelous Boy by Karen Foxlee portable book epub itunes amazon

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Book description
A modern-day fairy tale set in a mysterious museum that is perfect for readers of Roald Dahl and Blue Balliett.Unlikely heroine Ophelia Jane Worthington-Whittard doesnt believe in anything that cant be proven by science. She and her sister Alice are still grieving for their dead mother when their father takes a job in a strange museum in a city where it always snows. On her very first day in the museum Ophelia discovers a boy locked away in a long forgotten room. He is a prisoner of Her Majesty the Snow Queen. And he has been waiting for Ophelias help.As Ophelia embarks on an incredible journey to rescue the boy everything that she believes will be tested. Along the way she learns more and more about the boys own remarkable journey to reach her and save the world.A story within a story, this a modern day fairytale is about the power of friendship, courage and love, and never ever giving up.
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