Question: please tell me where No Return: A Contemporary Phantom Tale by Christine Pope (Goodreads Author) original read via flibusta reading

Question: please tell me where No Return: A Contemporary Phantom Tale by Christine Pope (Goodreads Author) original read via flibusta reading

Question: please tell me where No Return: A Contemporary Phantom Tale by Christine Pope (Goodreads Author) original read via flibusta

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Book description

Book description
Born to power and wealth, Erik Deitrich has everything a man could hope for -- except a face he can show to the world. He becomes obsessed with finding the one woman who can fulfill his desire of possessing a modern-day Christine Daaé to his deformed Phantom…and opera student Christine Daly seems to be the woman he has sought for so many years.Once Erik Deitrich learns of Christine Dalys existence, he stops at nothing to claim her. And when he does have her, he uses every means at his disposal to ensure that she will fall in love with him...without stopping to think what might happen if he fell in love with her. The classic story of the Phantom of the Opera comes alive once again in this contemporary retelling by romance author Christine Pope.2012 REVISED EDITION
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