Question: please tell me where No Longer Alone by John Toews free eReader touch how download reader

Question: please tell me where No Longer Alone by John Toews free eReader touch how download reader

Question: please tell me where No Longer Alone by John Toews free eReader touch how download reader

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Book description
This book was so encouraging and helpful. It is the first book I have seen that seems to honestly, accurately, and fairly consider the reality of the challenges of being a Christian afflicted with mental illness or an emotional disability.As one who has struggled to live with depression since my earliest childhood, and who has observed first hand the impacts of anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, nervous breakdowns, bi-polar, or learning disabilities, I can attest to the feeling of isolation that many such believers experience in most evangelical churches. This quote from the book, under heading The Church as a Hospital really captured this for me: If the church is the place for hurting people, possibly we need to consider its function as a hospital. To be a hospital implies that persons are sick and accepted as such. It is also recognized that the goal of being in a hospital is to provide care leading to cure, healing, or palliation. Often I have heard people who are depressed, anxious, or going through a family crisis tell me that the church is the last place they would go for support, because they are afraid they will be judged. They see the church as a place where people come to worship and be happy. It is not for people like them with problems. Some have been to the church, and they tell me how they were hurt either by being ignored when they dared not reach out themselves, or feeling judged or isolated if they did speak about their problems.This book, coupled with Gods grace over an extended period of time, has encouraged me by showing me I am not alone. God has used it in my life to give me strength to acknowledge my disability a little more readily, and to reach out in ministry to others who face similar struggles.I strongly recommend this book to other Christians who suffer from some sort of an emotional disability. I believe it may bring some encouragement to such people as it has for me. I would also highly recommend it for those who care about people in their lives who are emotionally disabled - to gain a perspective of how their loved one may feel and struggle, as it can be very hard to comprehend or understand the behavior of ones so afflicted.
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