Question: please tell me where No Excuses: Concessions of a Serial Campaigner by Robert Shrum book txt online

Question: please tell me where No Excuses: Concessions of a Serial Campaigner by Robert Shrum book txt online

Question: please tell me where No Excuses: Concessions of a Serial Campaigner by Robert Shrum book txt online

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Book description
Ive never read a book like this one, with a behind the scenes look at political campaigning, with famous politicians at the forefront. It seemed particularly appropriate to read as this is campaigning season. It was interesting to note just how many numerous people can be working on a campaign, writing speeches, running polls, conducting focus groups to get just the right slogan or image across. As Shrum notes, people within campaigns are quick to take credit for victories, quick to flee in losses. As one might imagine, the internal conflict campaign workers can have with each other and with the candidate they work for can run high, as people are apt to think their ideas are best, or the campaign must go in a certain direction that may prove to be a downer in the polls. For serial campaigners, the unscripted is generally frowned upon (i.e. may lead to Howard Deans scream).Generally speaking, the book was too long, for what it gives the reader. Or at least, maybe I just found myself not being particularly interested in, say, the Gore/Bradley dem primaries of 2000. Some of Shrums most damning commentary of strategies/personalities is often direct quotes from others. All in all, not a stupendous book, but I appreciated his unique insight and perspective.
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