Question: please tell me where Next Houses: Architecture for the Twenty-First Century by Ron Broadhurst reading look spanish via book

Question: please tell me where Next Houses: Architecture for the Twenty-First Century by Ron Broadhurst reading look spanish via book

Question: please tell me where Next Houses: Architecture for the Twenty-First Century by Ron Broadhurst reading look spanish via

> READ BOOK > Next Houses: Architecture for the Twenty-First Century

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Book description

Book description
Presenting a collection of 25 houses on five continents, Next Houses is a tour of the finest residential architecture of this young century. Author Ron Broadhurst has selected examples from nine countries, showcasing established superstars and emerging architects, including UNStudio, David Adjaye, and David Chipperfield, among others. The products of dialogue between demanding clients and innovative designers, these houses represent the best and most innovative living spaces, including homes created with sustainability and ecofriendliness in mind--such as Werner Sobeks H16 and Krauss Schönbergs Haus W--as well as homes constructed on challenging sites--such as Tadao Andos 4x4 House or Alvaro Leite Siza Vieiras Casa Tolo. An authoritative collection, Next Houses demonstrates uniquely of-the-moment architecture, and offers up a vision of how we will think of homes in the decades to come.
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