Question: please tell me where Neophyte by T.D. McMichael (Goodreads Author) portable online fb2 audio read

Question: please tell me where Neophyte by T.D. McMichael (Goodreads Author) portable online fb2 audio read

Question: please tell me where Neophyte by T.D. McMichael (Goodreads Author) portable online fb2 audio read

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Book description
Halsey Rookmaaker is on vacation with her new boyfriend, Lennox, when disaster strikes. Her best friend, Ballard, has not been in contact with her for over a month. He and his family have been getting Rome ready for something called THE GATHERING, an event which has not taken place in a quarter-century. Thirteen magical Initiates have been summoned from all over Europe to attend, including Halsey herself. But she will not be going alone . . . Lia, Ballards sister, has also been showing signs of the Craft. Now Wiccans and other Supernaturals are flooding into Rome, including the Lenoir, vampires Rome has vowed to defend itself against. Because, while she may not be a Neophyte yet, Halsey has been chosen, for an inheritance it may be her destiny to wield.
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