Question: please tell me where My Life as a Human Hockey Puck by Bill Myers (Goodreads Author) doc free full selling book

Question: please tell me where My Life as a Human Hockey Puck by Bill Myers (Goodreads Author) doc free full selling book

Question: please tell me where My Life as a Human Hockey Puck by Bill Myers (Goodreads Author) doc free full selling book

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Book description
3.5 stars.Entertaining enough. I took issue with kids and grownups playing smash em up hockey together on a semi-professional hockey team. I know its just a funny piece of fiction, but it was a little too unrealistic. Im also not comfortable with the way the main character takes abuse from bullies ever so casually, like its just part of his scheduled day. I know this was written over 20 years ago when bullying wasnt in the limelight the way it is today, but I dont think there was ever a time period when it was considered okay. Theres a decent lesson on not letting jealousy get in the way of being a good friend. Seems like every other book Wally ends his friendship with Opera, although Opera never stops seeing Wally as his friend.
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