Question: please tell me where My Kite is Stuck! and Other Stories by Salina Yoon (Goodreads Author) macbook online ebook review look

Question: please tell me where My Kite is Stuck! and Other Stories by Salina Yoon (Goodreads Author) macbook online ebook review look

Question: please tell me where My Kite is Stuck! and Other Stories by Salina Yoon (Goodreads Author) macbook online ebook review

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Book description
Continuing in this exciting paper over board reader format, award-winning author/illustrator Salina Yoons early readers are perfect for fans of bestselling series like Elephant & Piggie, Ballet Cat, and Pig in a Wig.Loud and in-charge Big Duck, quiet and clever Little Duck, and friendly and gentle Porcupine return in another delightful trio of stories. First, Big Duck and Porcupine are so busy building her lemonade stand that they forget one very important ingredient. Next, when Porcupine and Little Duck make a new friend Big Duck feels left out. Can they find a way to include everyone? And lastly, after Big Duck gets her kite stuck in a tree, Little Ducks smart suggestion will save the day! These three friends may be different, but they always find a way to have lots of fun.
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