Question: please tell me where Murdered Gods by Marina Finlayson (Goodreads Author) amazon review cheap view read

Question: please tell me where Murdered Gods by Marina Finlayson (Goodreads Author) amazon review cheap view read

Question: please tell me where Murdered Gods by Marina Finlayson (Goodreads Author) amazon review cheap view read

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Book description
Lexi didn’t set out to steal a god’s ring, but when a magic artifact starts trying to talk to you, what’s a girl supposed to do? She’s always had the ability to talk to animals, but this new development amps up the crazy. Now she’s afraid her power is out of control and she’s losing her mind. The only person who could possibly reassure her that she’s not going mad is her mother, who has always refused to discuss the source of Lexi’s strange ability. Now that the jewellery is getting chatty, maybe she’ll finally spill the beans. Unfortunately, going home means a trip back to the human territories, and Lexi only just made it out of there alive last time. She’s hoping for a quick visit, but with a god hellbent on retrieving the ring and a fireshaper she might have accidentally betrayed on her tail, life is about to get horribly complicated—for her and everyone she cares about.
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