Question: please tell me where Murder Off The Glass by Michael J. Katz (Goodreads Author) kindle ebay bookshop free mp3

Question: please tell me where Murder Off The Glass by Michael J. Katz (Goodreads Author) kindle ebay bookshop free mp3

Question: please tell me where Murder Off The Glass by Michael J. Katz (Goodreads Author) kindle ebay bookshop free mp3

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Book description
Im a writer, producer and photographer living in SoCal. My latest fiction, the comic novel Dearly Befuddled, was published June 1, 2013, and is available as a trade paperback and E-Book from Amazon and selected outlets. I published a highly acclaimed comic mystery trilogy between 1987-92 featuring sportscaster Andy Sussman and PI Murray Glick. Those are now available as E-Books; you can link to them via Amazon et al here on Goodreads. A few other notes: I wrote and produced the indie film Remembering Phil, starring Nick Turturro, Joanne Kelly and Dan Castellaneta. You can find it at Amazon, Netflix and iTunes. I have reviewed jazz for International Review of Music as well as my own site. My landscape photography can be seen at
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