Question: please tell me where Mrs. Pargeters Package by Simon Brett online flibusta story tablet free

Question: please tell me where Mrs. Pargeters Package by Simon Brett online flibusta story tablet free

Question: please tell me where Mrs. Pargeters Package by Simon Brett online flibusta story tablet free

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Book description
Mrs Pargeter is such a great character. Pushy and determined and not allowing the sinister policeman to intimidate her, she ignores his threats against her and starts her own murder investigation. One of her fathers criminal cronies happens to live in the very village where she is visiting and he provides great assistance. Each book adds more of her late husbands pals who are dedicated to helping her whenever she asks. They held her late criminal husband in such high regard that when he asked them to look out for his soon to be widow, they took it as a blood oath. My favorite crony is HRH, who runs a crooked travel agency right in the middle of Mayfair providing quick escapes from the country, or a get away car for a robbery. Great fun!Mrs Pargeter goes to Corfu for a vacation with a friend named Joyce who is a grieving widow. The first night there Joyce supposedly commits suicide, but Mrs Pargeter is sure she was killed. I thought that it was a bit predictable but its a nice set up for the reader. There is a great twist to the story at the end. I will certainly be reading more of these mysteries.
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