Question: please tell me where Miniature Food Masterclass: Materials and Techniques for Model-Makers by Angie Scarr free full pc phone book

Question: please tell me where Miniature Food Masterclass: Materials and Techniques for Model-Makers by Angie Scarr free full pc phone book

Question: please tell me where Miniature Food Masterclass: Materials and Techniques for Model-Makers by Angie Scarr free full pc

> READ BOOK > Miniature Food Masterclass: Materials and Techniques for Model-Makers

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Book description

Book description
This exciting new book from Angie Scarr presents a voyage of discovery and inspiration for all miniaturists to delve into. Here, Angie shares the secrets of her amazingly intricate work in polymer clay and invites us to join in with her passion for miniature ingredients. The projects are more adventurous than ever before with raw eggs, gravy, iced cakes and even sushi created with extraordinary attention to detail. Packed full of ideas and extensive information on techniques, tools and materials, this book is illustrated with easy-to-follow, step-by-step pictures throughout. Find out how to create liquid and translucent effects, glazes, moulding and veining all to mouth-watering effect.
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