Question: please tell me where Memoirs of the Celebrated Dwarf, Joseph Boruwlaski, A Polish Gentleman; Containing a faithful and curious Account of his Birth, Education, Marriage, Travels, and Voyages by Joseph Boruwlaski read epub on iphone

Question: please tell me where Memoirs of the Celebrated Dwarf, Joseph Boruwlaski, A Polish Gentleman; Containing a faithful and curious Account of his Birth, Education, Marriage, Travels, and Voyages by Joseph Boruwlaski read epub on iphone

Question: please tell me where Memoirs of the Celebrated Dwarf, Joseph Boruwlaski, A Polish Gentleman; Containing a faithful and

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Book description
This book, a copy of which I stumbled into by chance while clearing out bookcases in the deep storage closet, came to me entirely as a surprise. Knowing nothing about Józef Boruwlaski or the manner of his existence, I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect of a book entitled “The Life and Love Letters of a Dwarf” – if, on the one hand, the title hints at something of a potentially comedic character, the basic premise of its content (that of a dwarf who attended European courts with his benefactress, Countess Humieska, and now writes of his travels) would denounce a more serious narrative.The book is, as a singular autobiography of a singular person, a combination of both. Writing in a very candid way, Józef presents to the reader a comprehensive account of his Life, emphasising his time spent travelling Europe and meeting diverse figures of nobility and the process through which he fell in love, and ended up marrying, the woman he fell in love with (the book’s title does not lie – and its pages feature some of the interesting correspondence between the man and his wife to be). Though simple and devised by a man with no formal education, the style of Józef’s writing is furnished with the skill of any good writer, and even contains some beautiful passages, as well as more reflective, difficult moments, which let us in on his feelings throughout experience – both the positive and the negative.Such is the way the book progresses. Starting out with a lighter, more humorous tone, it eventually takes on some darker contours, and I will say, even depressive ones. Józef’s Life seems to have been a privileged, but not entirely happy one, and the feeling of helpless injustice does seep through the pages that speak of all the ill things done to him (though surprisingly, not in the way of bitterness or anger that one might expect).I really enjoyed this book. It is a unique and very well written work that not only enlightens us on the subject matter of Józef Boruwlaski’s Life, but is also comprehensive of the era in which he lived, and the particularities of the nobility during that time. And, History aside, it is an equally satisfying read on an emotional scale. I, for one, never imagined I would feel so much sympathy for, and relate in such an exact way to, a dwarf gentleman of the eighteenth century. Yet I did, and recommend the experience of reading this book to anyone with a curious mind.
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