Question: please tell me where Medicus by Ruth Downie (Goodreads Author) page ebook online torrent touch

Question: please tell me where Medicus by Ruth Downie (Goodreads Author) page ebook online torrent touch

Question: please tell me where Medicus by Ruth Downie (Goodreads Author) page ebook online torrent touch

> READ BOOK > Medicus

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Book description

Book description
Medicus is what I call a popcorn book: a book to pick up and settle in with for an evenings cozy reading. Entertainment value: 5 stars, but several months from now Ill have a hard time remembering much beyond the main characters: Gaius Petrius Ruso, a physician stationed in Brittania with the Roman army, and Tilla, the slave girl he reluctantly purchases from an abusive master. Ruso, long suffering, wry, and a humanist doomed to be forever caught up in other peoples suffering despite his attempts at pragmatism, is the main entertainment here. Downie does a decent job at bringing her world to life, but the plot and various plot threads are fairly predictable.Inevitably, Ive also got to compare Medicus to Lindsay Daviss very fun and entertaining Falco series, also a detective series set in ancient Rome. I do feel that Downie has a better feel for writing from the male perspective, but Daviss Rome is more finely wrought, her plots better developed. Both series have a nice element of humor, although readers who prefer to smile rather than laugh out loud with their mysteries might be more comfortable with Downies more character-driven style.
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