Question: please tell me where Lonesome Traveler by Jack Kerouac price access online tom full version

Question: please tell me where Lonesome Traveler by Jack Kerouac price access online tom full version

Question: please tell me where Lonesome Traveler by Jack Kerouac price access online tom full version

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Book description

Book description
As he roams the US, Mexico, Morocco, Paris and London, Jack Kerouac breathlessly records, in prose of pure poetry, the life of the road. Standing on the engine of a train as it rushes past fields of prickly cactus; witnessing his first bullfight in Mexico while high on opium; catching up with the beat night life in New York; burying himself in the snow-capped mountains of north-west America; meditating on a sunlit roof in Tangiers; or falling in love with Montmartre and the huge white basilica of Sacré-Coeur – Kerouac reveals the endless diversity of human life and his own high-spirited philosophy of self-fulfilment.
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