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Book description
Very insightful book about the future of religion and Christianity in postmodern culture. While I did not agree with some of his conclusions, this is a powerful book. His examination and contrasting of American fundamentalist Christianity and the liberation theology of Latin American Base Communities (and beyond Latin America), are a critical insight that is both prophetic and critical to understanding the future of faith. Going forward, the work of crafting a theology that will speak to a postmodern context, must be done in localized grassroots communities (that possibly could be connected through apostolic networks?). It will not come from the academics who have lost touch with the common people. Also - the future of religion belongs to those on the margins - the poor, women, etc. They are the ones who will lead the way for future expressions of Christian faith and faith in general. This is a very dense book with lots to chew on - with a few jewels hear and there that make the entire book a worthwhile read. This is an important work that will prick the hearts of both conservative and liberal Christians alike.
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