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Sigh...Im throwing the proverbial noose over my neck with even a three star rating of this book. (I was even tempted to give it a four star...let me tell you why)Prose? Non-exsistant. Plot? Follows the correct sequence...but really let me get to my point: James Patterson is the grown-up version of Nancy Drew for crying out loud.Its not going to intellectually better you, its not going to be mentioned in conversation with Harvaaaaahd literature majors, and its not going to win you any points with that guy or girl at the Cornell bars anytime before Satan drops a icy cold turd. But dammit...the man makes you turn pages. If I can give him anything, its that. You almost hate yourself for doing it, because really, its like the Bearnstein Bears for the 20-60 demographic. Sucks you in like CRACK though.I hate the man for doing it. But then I respect and love how easily he can hook you with the most simple of plot basis and character development. Makes me think I can make millions on writing...but then there are those of you out there reading this laughing your ass off. Long short? Easy in 300+ pages you blow thru and then realize its over...and your disappointed. Thats why he gets such a rating. Damn you Patterson, but you are a guilty read. Someday theyll teach courses on you in colleges on how to dupe the masses into loving your ish with little work but until then...hats off and touche Patterson. TOOOOUUUUCHE.
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