Question: please tell me where Jack In The Box by John Isaacs iphone kindle cheap free shop

Question: please tell me where Jack In The Box by John Isaacs iphone kindle cheap free shop

Question: please tell me where Jack In The Box by John Isaacs iphone kindle cheap free shop

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Book description

Book description
25-year-old, football-obsessed Jack Scott is living in his family home in Fulham, London, and is at crisis point in his life. His mother Stella died two years ago and Jack has a fraught relationship with his father Richard. Jack wanted – and narrowly failed – to become a professional footballer, and now wants to revisit a desire to be a writer and stand-up comedian, but since Stella’s death he’s been emotionally and psychologically stuck. Although Jack supports Chelsea, he loves Barcelona and Lionel Messi. He also idolises Johan Cruijff and is a big fan of Albert Einstein, because of an extraordinary childhood discovery that brought together E=mc2 and Jack’s beloved Chelsea F.C. Can he, with the help of his real and imaginary friends, and both living and dead parents, as well as footballers past and present, his sense of humour, and the music he loves, somehow find some inner peace and move his life forward? Because the alternative doesn’t bear thinking about…
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