Question: please tell me where In Divine Friendship: Letters of Counsel and Reflection by Swami Kriyananda iBooks portable prewiew online offline

Question: please tell me where In Divine Friendship: Letters of Counsel and Reflection by Swami Kriyananda iBooks portable prewiew online offline

Question: please tell me where In Divine Friendship: Letters of Counsel and Reflection by Swami Kriyananda iBooks portable prewiew

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Book description

Book description
This extraordinary book of letters, written by Swami Kriyananda in response to questions and inquiries from his friends, students and critics over a thirty-year period, responds to practically any concern a spiritual seeker might have how to meditate deeply; strengthening ones faith; developing divine attunement; accelerating spiritual progress; overcoming negative self-judgments; responding to illness, the right attitude toward money and profit, becoming a good leader, attracting a mate, sexuality, raising children any many, many other subjects.
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