Question: please tell me where Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley Official Strategy Guide by Jennifer Sims fb2 online

Question: please tell me where Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley Official Strategy Guide by Jennifer Sims fb2 online

Question: please tell me where Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley Official Strategy Guide by Jennifer Sims fb2 online

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Book description

Book description
BradyGames Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands Official Strategy Guide includes the following: Strategies on how to raise the sunken islands. CHARACTERS: Get to know each character through in-depth profiles that include their schedules, likes and dislikes, favorite gifts, and more DETAILED ITEM LISTS: Complete list of all crops, animals, gems, fish, and more. ACTIVITIES: Learn everything you need to know about farming, ranching, fishing, and mining. COURTSHIP GUIDE: Tips on how to fall in love and woo the games eligible characters. Platform: Nintendo DSGenre: Simulation
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