Question: please tell me where Hands Across Time: The Soulmate Enigma by Judy Hall (Goodreads Author) value pdf full mp3 book

Question: please tell me where Hands Across Time: The Soulmate Enigma by Judy Hall (Goodreads Author) value pdf full mp3 book

Question: please tell me where Hands Across Time: The Soulmate Enigma by Judy Hall (Goodreads Author) value pdf full mp3 book

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Book description
The popular notion of the soulmate says that for each one of us, there is a single cosmic partner somewhere in the world perhaps someone with whom weve shared many past lives. And that when these soulmates meet, true love will blossom. While this may well happen, 20 years of exploring karmic relationships has led the author to conclude it isnt quite so simple. A number of her clients have reported meeting their soulmate only to discover that their feelings are not reciprocated.
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