Question: please tell me where Fold Along Stories: Quick & Easy Origami Tales For Beginners by Christine Petrell Kallevig mobi online reading

Question: please tell me where Fold Along Stories: Quick & Easy Origami Tales For Beginners by Christine Petrell Kallevig mobi online reading

Question: please tell me where Fold Along Stories: Quick & Easy Origami Tales For Beginners by Christine Petrell Kallevig mobi

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Book description

Book description
12 very short stories are illustrated by the progressive folding steps of twelve very easy origami models. Completely illustrated folding instructions are placed side-by-side with story text for ease of use by teachers, librarians, camp directors, or anyone else who loves to tell a good story. Story themes are diverse with styles ranging from tall tales to modern fables. Designed for use with groups composed of mixed ages, from preschoolers through grandparents, these stories will entertain as they teach simple paper folding techniques. Illustrations, photographs, presentation guidelines, index, trade paper.
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