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Question: please tell me where First Frost by Jennifer Estep (Goodreads Author) fb2 online

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Book description
I am Gwen Frost, and I have a Gypsy gift.  Its called psychometry - thats a fancy way of saying that I see images in my head and get flashes of other peoples memories off almost everything I touch, even guys.  My gift makes me kind of nosy. Okay, okay, maybe a lot nosy--to the point of obsession sometimes. I want to know everything about everyone around me. But even I dont want to know the secrets my friend Paige is hiding or the terrible loss that will send me to a new school - Mythos Academy, where the teachers arent preparing us for the SATs, but to battle Reapers of Chaos.  Now I have no friends and no idea how my gift fits in with all these warrior whiz kids.  The only thing I do know is that my life is never, ever going to be the same.  .  .
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