Question: please tell me where Exiles Gate by C.J. Cherryh (Goodreads Author) direct link price prewiew online text

Question: please tell me where Exiles Gate by C.J. Cherryh (Goodreads Author) direct link price prewiew online text

Question: please tell me where Exiles Gate by C.J. Cherryh (Goodreads Author) direct link price prewiew online text

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Book description
Gate-time works differently than world-time -- for Nhi Vanye and Morgaine, mere moments passed between when they rode into the Fires at Azeroth and when they emerged at Morund, but for the rest of us ten years had passed.This is the final (not concluding, but presumably last) book about Morgaine and Vanye. Its the largest in the series -- in terms of word-count, its probably double any of the preceding volumes -- and the most complex in terms of the number of POV characters and in terms of the situation on the ground. On the world of Exiles Gate, some qhal still remain and still control the Gates, to a greater or lesser degree, at the behest of a power infinitely older and more dangerous.We still never get inside Morgaines head -- all of our experience with her is filtered through other characters observations, most especially Vanyes. The relationship between Morgaine and Vanye is, as always, one of the chief structural members of the story, and we get to see a glimpse of that relationship from outsiders perspectives; we also, before the end, do learn somewhat about Morgaine herself.Myself, Id be thrilled to see further adventures of Morgaine and Vanye. But if this is the end, Im well-content, secure in the knowledge that they still ride the Gates, but at a place too far for tales to filter back.
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