Question: please tell me where English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs find bookstore eReader free price

Question: please tell me where English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs find bookstore eReader free price

Question: please tell me where English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs find bookstore eReader free price

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Book description
Joseph Jacobs complained in the 19th century, What Perrault began, the Grimms completed. All the fairy tales the children knew were French or German in origin. He tried to amend it, and so we have this and More English Fairy Tales.You will indeed recognize a few, most likely. The Three Bears is the first written version, with a nasty old woman instead of Goldilocks, and Scrapefoot is recognizably the same tale, with a fox. Jack and the Beanstalk is, in fact, the best known variant nowadays.Not all of them are fairy tales. Some, like My Own Self and Yallery Brown, are anecdotes about fairies. Others are progressive tales, or tales of cunning characters or fools.Others are unusual fairy tales. My own two favorites -- not just here but among all fairy tales -- are Kate Crackernuts and Tattercoats. It also has Black Bull of Norroway, The King of England and His Three Sons, The Fish and the Ring, and Catskin, among other tales where you can recognize the type if youve read widely, but these are specific variants. Also, some truly strange ones. It includes The Buried Moon, for instance.
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