Question: please tell me where Echoes In Stone by Kat Sheridan (Goodreads Author) read find phone selling value

Question: please tell me where Echoes In Stone by Kat Sheridan (Goodreads Author) read find phone selling value

Question: please tell me where Echoes In Stone by Kat Sheridan (Goodreads Author) read find phone selling value

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Book description

Book description
When I first started reading this book I thought, O boy, another Victoria Holt/Daphne Du Marieur type book. I love those old gothics. This author rivals either one of those except for one thing, a ways into the book she begins to go into very explicit sexual scenes. I kept turning the pages, wanting to get back to the story and I believe I skipped about 40 pages, altogether. The plot, character development, grammer and punctuation were all excellent. The author is a good writer. She doesnt need to rely on erotica. If you love the old gothics and erotica, then this is surely the book for you.
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