Question: please tell me where Dope Boys and the Women that Love Em by Tiece (Goodreads Author) touch francais english online view

Question: please tell me where Dope Boys and the Women that Love Em by Tiece (Goodreads Author) touch francais english online view

Question: please tell me where Dope Boys and the Women that Love Em by Tiece (Goodreads Author) touch francais english online view

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Book description

Book description
Malcolm and Russell are among an elite squad of Dope Boyz working under a separate chain of command that keeps them in business. When an unexpected trip to Miami, Florida goes horribly sour, the best friends find themselves working together in a way that they vowed never to do. Malcolm undeniably loves his girlfriend, Diamond, but a higher authority threatens to end their happily ever after union. With stressors making his life more difficult after proving to be dishonorable, yet again, he must decide if staying in the game is worth his relationship or if he should cut his ties and walk away. Russell spoils his wife with all things luxury, but only in hopes that she’d one day forgive him for his infidelity and open her heart back up to him. After forming an unlikely alliance, he feels that his luck is about to change for the better, but he’s unaware that it’s only a lure to pull him deeper in a world of monstrous intentions that will be much harder to get out of. The loyal becomes distrustful and the weak becomes the prey. No one is safe unless you’re at the top, but even then, someone is lurking to remove you of your position and by any means necessary. Dope Boyz isn’t your ordinary Dope Tale, but it is a hot new romance series that’s sure to leave you staggered in thoughts of what’s next to come…
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