Question: please tell me where Doctor Who: The Wanderer by Richard Dinnick (Goodreads Author) free mp3 djvu pdf epub

Question: please tell me where Doctor Who: The Wanderer by Richard Dinnick (Goodreads Author) free mp3 djvu pdf epub

Question: please tell me where Doctor Who: The Wanderer by Richard Dinnick (Goodreads Author) free mp3 djvu pdf epub

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Book description
God bless William Russell (real name Russell Enoch), who will turn 88 this year and is still doing well off a TV show he appeared in almost fifty years ago. Big Finish have served him up a testing Richard Dimmick script where he has to play not only Ian Chesterton but also every other character bar one, in a tale of alien intrusion into a Russian village in the early 1900s. The local A B 0 @ 5 F is played very convincingly by Tim Chipping, of whom I had not otherwise heard, and though I worked out his identity as soon as the character was introduced it is well executed. Russells version of Hartnell is a homage rather than a portrayal, sounding actually like a much younger man (but of course Hartnell when he first played the Doctor was almost thirty years younger than Russell is now). The plot is fairly standard stuff but it is done very well; non-Who fans may enjoy it because of the historical tie-in.
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