Question: please tell me where Classics on Screen: Ancient Greece and Rome on Film by Alastair A.L. Blanshard txt online reading

Question: please tell me where Classics on Screen: Ancient Greece and Rome on Film by Alastair A.L. Blanshard txt online reading

Question: please tell me where Classics on Screen: Ancient Greece and Rome on Film by Alastair A.L. Blanshard txt online reading

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Book description

Book description
Cinema loves Greece and Rome. Hollywood epics, animated movies, avant-garde features - all have turned to classical antiquity for inspiration. On the silver screen, we see a world of virtuous Christians, depraved pagans, gladiators, charioteers, Spartan warriors, and muscle-bound demigods - a potent mix of sex, violence and art. So pervasive are these images that this cinematic output dominates the public understanding of the ancient world. Through analysis of ten influential films, this book examines the representation of Greece and Rome in both popular and art-house cinema, arranged by cinematic genre. Key scenes are discussed and each film is located in its historical context.
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