Question: please tell me where Celtic, Viking & Anglo-Saxon Embroidery: The Art & Embroidery of Jan Messent by Jan Messent how read СЃhapter ebook free phone

Question: please tell me where Celtic, Viking & Anglo-Saxon Embroidery: The Art & Embroidery of Jan Messent by Jan Messent how read СЃhapter ebook free phone

Question: please tell me where Celtic, Viking & Anglo-Saxon Embroidery: The Art & Embroidery of Jan Messent by Jan Messe…

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Book description

Book description
I bought this online on spec and did not understand that it is very specifically focused on projects that create textile books based on Celtic, Anglo-Saxon and Viking artefacts or designs, rather than focusing on embroideries of those historic groups. Nevertheless it s an inspiring book. It has a useful brief historic survey of the period that includes account of who embroidered and some of the early examples of textiles from the period. After that it is organised into books - projects Jan has undertaken using design and stitch elements from the period under discussion. Those who love felting and fabric manipulation will find a wealth of ideas and techniques.I was inspired by the St Cuthbert Project - quilted works using figures from the tomb of St Cuthbert -, the Anglo-Saxon purses, the couched Celtic spirals on the scissor and needle cases and the use of shapes such as the Lewis chessmen. There is also a useful section on ancient beads.This is a coffee table sized book with good photographs. It well- used in Embroidererss Guild libraries - which is where I think mine will end up!
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