Question: please tell me where Cartoon 360: Secrets to Drawing Cartoon People by Harry Hamernik pdf ibooks iphone

Question: please tell me where Cartoon 360: Secrets to Drawing Cartoon People by Harry Hamernik pdf ibooks iphone

Question: please tell me where Cartoon 360: Secrets to Drawing Cartoon People by Harry Hamernik pdf ibooks iphone

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Book description

Book description
I really liked this drawing book. Great illustration directions. It takes the basics and explains how to judge height, sizes, etc... along with red/blue lines, ink, pencils, marker drawings. Lots of tips as well throughout the book. What I love most is the instruction that is included for loading your drawing into a digital format program illustrator or photoshop and how to do the basics of coloring and highlighting. Which is great for those who are just starting out loading their work into digital format. Will be a great reference book for awhile for digital editing.
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