Question: please tell me where Burning Woman by Lucy H. Pearce (Goodreads Author) amazon free ebook touch francais

Question: please tell me where Burning Woman by Lucy H. Pearce (Goodreads Author) amazon free ebook touch francais

Question: please tell me where Burning Woman by Lucy H. Pearce (Goodreads Author) amazon free ebook touch francais

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Book description
THE LONG-AWAITED new title from Amazon bestselling author Lucy H. Pearce. Burning Woman is a breath-taking and controversial woman’s journey through history— personal and cultural—on a quest to find and free her own power. Uncompromising and all-encompassing, Pearce uncovers the archetype of the Burning Women of days gone by—Joan of Arc and the witch trials, through to the way women are burned today in cyber bullying, acid attacks, shaming and burnout, fearlessly examining the roots of Feminine power—what it is, how it has been controlled, and why it needs to be unleashed on the world during our modern Burning Times. Burning Woman explores: Burning from within: a woman’s power—how to build it, engage it and not be destroyed by it. Burning from without: the role of shame, and honour in the time-worn ways the dominant culture uses fire to control the Feminine. The darkness: overcoming our fear of the dark, and discovering its importance in cultivating power. This incendiary text was written for women who burn with passion, have been burned with shame, and who at another time, in another place, would have been burned at the stake. With contributions from leading burning women of our era: Isabel Abbott, ALisa Starkweather, Shiloh Sophia McCloud, Molly Remer, Julie Daley, Bethany Webster ...
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