Question: please tell me where Blanche of Castile, Queen of France by Lindy Grant fb2 online reading

Question: please tell me where Blanche of Castile, Queen of France by Lindy Grant fb2 online reading

Question: please tell me where Blanche of Castile, Queen of France by Lindy Grant fb2 online reading

> READ BOOK > Blanche of Castile, Queen of France

> ONLINE BOOK > Blanche of Castile, Queen of France

> DOWNLOAD BOOK > Blanche of Castile, Queen of France

Book description

Book description
This is the first modern scholarly biography of Blanche of Castile, whose identity has until now been subsumed in that of her son, the saintly Louis IX. A central figure in the politics of medieval Europe, Blanche was a sophisticated patron of religion and culture. Through Lindy Grant’s engaging account, based on a close analysis of Blanche’s household accounts and of the social and religious networks on which her power and agency depended, Blanche is revealed as a vibrant and intellectually questioning personality.
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