Question: please tell me where Black Mesa by Zane Grey read store amazon sale mobile

Question: please tell me where Black Mesa by Zane Grey read store amazon sale mobile

Question: please tell me where Black Mesa by Zane Grey read store amazon sale mobile

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Book description

Book description
I read this book because I was interested to see what was the appeal of Zane Grey having read a synopsis of Riders of the Purple Sage and having watched part of a film of another of his books. Those experiences suggested to me he had some appalling attitudes.Black Mesa is another romance, where the main story is about the trials and tribulations of a young couple who can not be together. The characters are two dimensional. Paul Manning is truly honorable while John Belmont is pure evil. Louise is a damsel in distress and Wes Kintell is treated as a figure of fun. The torturous way his Texan accent was spread o nthe page became quite grating. Only Sister is treated in any complexity, but she remains a minor figure. However Zane Grey discusses the plight of the native Americans with much sympathy. These are not noble savages; nor are they treacherous crazy savages.The novel is set in the Arizona Desert among cattle and Native Americans so it counts as a western. However, the strength and rewarding aspect of this novel is Greys description and love for the desert even with the heat and the sandstorms. I learnt a lot more about the desert from reading this book than I learnt from Western movies and geography lessons at school and university.
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