Question: please tell me where Between the Lines by J. Scott Coatsworth (Goodreads Author) online look how to audio get

Question: please tell me where Between the Lines by J. Scott Coatsworth (Goodreads Author) online look how to audio get

Question: please tell me where Between the Lines by J. Scott Coatsworth (Goodreads Author) online look how to audio get

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Book description
What if you could hear the words behind the words?Brad Weston’s life seems perfect. He’s GQ handsome, the chief of staff for a Republican California state senator, and enjoys the power and the promise of a bright future. And he’s in a comfortable relationship with his boyfriend of six years, Alex.Sam Fuller is Brad’s young blond blue-eyed intern, fresh out of college, running from a bad breakup, and questioning his choices and his new life in politics. To make things worse, Sam also has a thing for the boss, but Brad is already taken.While looking for a gift for his boyfriend, Brad wanders into a curiosity shop and becomes fascinated by an old wooden medallion. Brads not a superstitious man, but when he takes out the medallion in his office, he sees the world in a whole new light.And nothing will ever be the same.
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