Question: please tell me where Beauty Pop, Vol. 2 by Kiyoko Arai download book epub

Question: please tell me where Beauty Pop, Vol. 2 by Kiyoko Arai download book epub

Question: please tell me where Beauty Pop, Vol. 2 by Kiyoko Arai download book epub

> READ BOOK > Beauty Pop, Vol. 2

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Book description

Book description
In Kiris school there are 3 boys who carry out transformations on random pretty girls; Narumi Shougo, the hairstylist, Minami Kei, the nail artist and Ochiai Kazuhiko who balances the overall look. They are adored by the girls because they are so good at making them beautiful. However, Kiri is also a master hairstylist who is willing to add some magic for those who need it, but in disguise. Now Kiri is forced to face the three in a showdown with Narumi.
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