Question: please tell me where Awakening Avery by Laurie L.C. Lewis (Goodreads Author) fb2 direct link book wiki kickass

Question: please tell me where Awakening Avery by Laurie L.C. Lewis (Goodreads Author) fb2 direct link book wiki kickass

Question: please tell me where Awakening Avery by Laurie L.C. Lewis (Goodreads Author) fb2 direct link book wiki kickass

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Every once in a while I like to change things up and read a book that is by a Christian writer. I won this book, it was written by an LDS author. The story was extremely well written. There was a story or two within the main story and I wont go into it more so I wont spoil it for those who havent read it yet, it was really engaging the more that I read it. I couldnt wait to get to the end! Some times I feel as if the story is more about the author wanting to include their relious views on those reading than they want to tell a good story, not so with this particular book. The story is told first and it just happens to be about a women who loses her husband, a family who loses their father, and those they have involved in their lives outside of the family who are all questioning their faith or lack of. The faith is brought into the story and explained to each person who needs to hear it and each persons views are explained differently so that those listening can perhaps grasp what they are saying, which is the way in life. It isnt as if the author is telling her views in the story and explaining them the same way with each telling. I myself am not LDS nor do not want to transition to that particular religion, but hearing about the faith and beliefs of those in this story is very intesting and gave me some things to think about in regards to life as a whole and religion, and faith. That can never be a bad thing, can it?For those who want to read some very thought provoking story within a story, pick this authors book up, Awakening Avery. I know myself I would like to read some of this authors other works now. Thank you to Laurie Lewis, a great book!
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