Question: please tell me where August Coup: The Truth & the Lessons by Mikhail Gorbachev epub ibooks ipad

Question: please tell me where August Coup: The Truth & the Lessons by Mikhail Gorbachev epub ibooks ipad

Question: please tell me where August Coup: The Truth & the Lessons by Mikhail Gorbachev epub ibooks ipad

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Book description
Gorbachev briefly discusses the events of the attempted coup in the former Soviet Union by hard-line communists in August 1991. Pushed to the breaking point by an arms race with the US initiated by President Reagan in the 1980s, the Soviet economy was crumbling, and when Gorbachev was made General Secretary in 1985 he began instituting social and economic reforms known as glasnost and perestroika which caused even more national instability. I was surprised to find that the book had been published a mere month later. I jokingly commented to a friend that it was the sign of a good capitalist to write and publish a book so quickly after the event. But I was wrong in assuming the book was simply Gorbachev trying to capitalize on his side of the story and events. In fact, I was disappointed to find that very little is discussed of the events of the attempted coup. Instead this is Gorbachevs attempt to tell his nation and the world what he was trying to do and the challenges they faced. It kind of has a feeling of desperation and he openly worries that the coup has exposed divisions among the various republics that made up the USSR and fears that the Union might dissolve (which soon became a reality). He also tries to put to rest some of the rumors which spread from the event and his plans and ideas for how the problems it created should be dealt with. As such, it is not a history but a brief snapshot of his plans, and interesting in that regard even if it is a bit self-serving. For those of us who grew up in the 80s when the Soviet Union represented the specter of possible nuclear war, its an insight into the attempts to transition it to a free market economy by a man more celebrated and appreciated in the West than in his own country.
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