Question: please tell me where At Wicks End by Tim Myers how download online link reader read

Question: please tell me where At Wicks End by Tim Myers how download online link reader read

Question: please tell me where At Wicks End by Tim Myers how download online link reader read

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Finished this one yesterday, so thought Id better review it now, as Ive already started the 2nd book. To my memory, which is not perfect by a long shot, I think this is the first mystery Ive read since the Nancy Drew books as a teenager. If Im wrong, then whatever I read must not have impressed me much! Anyhow, I DID enjoy THIS mystery, found it held my interest, and all the various characters in the warehouse block were part of the reason for that. I didnt figure out whodunit, but for me, thats not important. I dont begin to think of myself as any type of sleuth, but I found that I did enjoy reading about one. The book was not overly long, but descriptive enough to enable me to picture each scenario easily. I feel Im going to enjoy this series...what Id call a light murder mystery, and Im not trying to belittle a very serious crime. However, with all the autopsy scenery in todays television shows, and probably in many books as well, I have to say I much prefer reading something that dwells more on the mystery of the crime than the actual gore of it all. Definitely recommend to anyone who likes a mystery thats not on the heavy-handed side.
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