Question: please tell me where Architecture in the Digital Age: Design and Manufacturing by Branko Kolarevic (Editor) without registering flibusta online no registration eng

Question: please tell me where Architecture in the Digital Age: Design and Manufacturing by Branko Kolarevic (Editor) without registering flibusta online no registration eng

Question: please tell me where Architecture in the Digital Age: Design and Manufacturing by Branko Kolarevic (Editor) without re…

> READ BOOK > Architecture in the Digital Age: Design and Manufacturing

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Book description

Book description
This book addresses contemporary architectural practice in which digital technologies are radically changing how buildings are conceived, designed and produced. It discusses the digitally-driven changes, their origins, and their effects by grounding them in actual practices already taking place, while simultaneously speculating about their wider implications for the future. The book offers a diverse set of ideas as to what is relevant today and what will be relevant tomorrow for emerging architectural practices of the digital age.
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