Question: please tell me where Ambitions which Climb Upwards by Madeleine E. Robins (Goodreads Author) review reading pdf read sale

Question: please tell me where Ambitions which Climb Upwards by Madeleine E. Robins (Goodreads Author) review reading pdf read sale

Question: please tell me where Ambitions which Climb Upwards by Madeleine E. Robins (Goodreads Author) review reading pdf read sale

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Book description
Truths of the heart and human nature affect all in the eighth installment of Whitehall, an episodic royal tale full of true history and sensual intrigue, new from Serial Box Publishing.Even amidst the swirl of court intrigue, the residents of Whitehall keep their eyes on the prize – and the throne. While some long-held aspirations finally see light, others remain left in darkness with fate proving itself a fickle friend. This episode is brought to you by Madeleine Robins, who knows life and fiction are seldom fair. Ambitions which Climb Upwards continues the 13-part serial, Whitehall, presented by Serial Box. Intrigue, romance, and scandal fill the palace halls in this historical tale, collaboratively written by Liz Duffy Adams, Delia Sherman, Barbara Samuel, Madeleine Robins, Sarah Smith, and Mary Robinette Kowal. She who would be queen must win the love of a king—and a country.Whitehall is set in the 17th century court of King Charles II and focuses on his queen, Portuguese princess Catherine of Braganza. Her journey to find her place as the foreign wife in a court riddled with political and religious intrigue – not to mention the many mistresses of Charles the Merry Monarch” – is a tale of perseverance only a true queen could endure. Love mingles with betrayal before a sensual renaissance of art, culture, and sex in this lush historical serial.
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